God, Let’s Make A Deal

If you could only grant me this one thing…

Please do not take my best friend from me.

She and I are supposed to outlive our husbands and grow old together having outdoor adventures.

Please let that 5 inch growth the doctors found on her ovary be benign and her surgery this week remove anything that could remotely be cancerous.

I can’t lose her, Lord.

We only get one true best friend in this life and she is mine. From that first year in college 30 years ago, through my first marriage and into my second, watching our kids grow up, and so many stories around the campfire every year. Countless smiles and tears.

This isn’t how it is supposed to go.

She is my constant.

I have always imagined what it would be like to lose a parent or a sibling. My son. An anxious mind has had me spending more than its fair share of time going through endless scenarios of loss and grief over loved ones.

But I never considered the loss of my best friend.

Until now.

It feels surreal.

God, please don’t think I am ungrateful. I know that in 2020 another bestie dodged breast cancer with surgery and chemotherapy. Thank you for that blessing! And for all my family and friends who are still here today despite a pandemic. God, you are so good.

But could you do this one little thing for me?

I’ll pray for doctors to do their thing as well as healing and peace for my friend. I’ll pray for strength and understanding for her family. You are the one Great Healer and You know how all our stories begin and end.

Just please don’t let cancer be the end of hers.

God, let’s make a deal.

“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”

3 John 1:2

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